Home is Where

Home is Where


Right down your leg, I saw my future, folded into our flesh, spit out, ejected, rejected objected, unto my own shadows, where I've tread twice.

Text by Vann Powell


Perhaps, home is nothing but an idea to settle into. A robin will show you how to build a house— Twig by twig moment by moment. Memories of lives weave an open palm, a basket to hold the home safe as a face in a locket. Clasped. Home is where life is built moment by moment.

Text by Liz Larsen


Home is so much more than a singular place. It is the smell of a good meal you share with those you love. It is the laughter radiating from your favorite people in the universe. It is the shoulders that you can cry on or friends that you can always call. It is the feeling of utter bliss you experience when you’re surrounded by your community. It is the warm embrace from a loved one after what could be a decade or a hard day. Home can be found anywhere you go. Hold onto your home wherever you go.

Text by Joe Cuccio


Imagine the home as an object, as an ecosystem, as a breathing body. Where past and present nest together, bandaged, healed, deceased, and reborn.

Text by Liz Larsen

Distant Dialogues

Distant Dialogues

if it makes you happy

if it makes you happy

brain tube