General Information

Float Photo is looking to see your work!
We accept all photographic styles. We will be looking for bodies of work that are cohesive and thought out. This applies for both our online content and our magazine issues.
If your work was not selected, feel free to try again in the future with a different body of work. In addition, we run online exhibitions, book reviews, Instagram takeovers and portfolios – so there are plenty of ways to have your work shown to our community.
Due to a large volume of emails, it might take us some time to answer you back but we make the effort to respond to you all personally however we don’t always get to answer all our emails.

Send all submissions to :

Zine Call For Entry

A new call for entry for a printed zine. Selected images will also be included in an online exhibition on Float’s website. Curated by: Dana Stirling and Jon Feinstein Submission Fee: $5 USD for 1-3 images. Deadline for entries: March 25th, 2025 at midnight EST Time. Click HERE for full details

Online Portfolio

Submit 10-25 images (one body of work), An artist statement or relevant text of the work, which includes a title and some description of the work. Images should be JPEGs at 1200px on the long side. Please add your website link for additional reference. Please do not send files via Wetransfer as we don't always get to download the files before they expire.

Instagram Takeover

Send us your Instagram link and user name. In addition please attach a self portrait. If selected you will be asked to provide up to 12 images and their captions and hashtags. Please note that our waiting list is very long and if accepted it might be months until your actual takeover.

Book Review Submission

Send us a link or a few images of the book itself in addition to 1-5 images from the body of work.
If we find it to be a good fit we will provide you with an address for you to ship the book to us. We will photograph and review it.
* Books sent to the Float Library will not be returned.
** Because of a long list of books we have to review, it might take a few months to review your book.

Contributing Writer

If you are interested in joining the team of contributing writer at Float, please send us a few writing examples and let us know why you are interested in joining the team. Please note that this is not a paid opportunity, we all do what we do out of love and dedication. We try and give our team as much freedom and space to work within their timeline and interest. We are here to give you a platform for your opinions and thoughts

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