Instant Gratification

Instant Gratification


Instant Gratification
Curated by Vann Powell

The work represented in Instant Gratification is loud and lively proof that instant film photography is alive and well in the practices of fine art photographers. The beautiful elasticity of the medium is well represented in the works of these twenty-one artists. Ranging from emulsion lifts and manipulations to more experimental processes carried out in the darkroom, the works presented in this exhibition speak to the medium’s wonderfuldynamism. Instant Gratification gathers the images of artists working with instant film and brings them into conversation with one another.  (Text by Vann Powell)

Exhibition Artists: Alexander Gouletas, Alexander Iglesias, Andreea Andrei, Beth D’Elia, Cali M. Banks, Gabriele Fossi, Jacob Moss, Jennifer Sakai, John Blazzi, Kamila Rustambekova, Karl Frederick Mattson, Kevin Hoth, Luke Harby, Melanie Schoeniger, Mikołaj Rogowski, Nick Marshall, Noah Waldeck, Parker Bryant-Carty, Robyn Day, Taylor Hedrick and Vibhav Kapoor


Selected Artists /

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