Chance DeVille

Chance DeVille

Closest to Home | “Home - The place where one lives permanently, especially as a member of a family or household.” In my childhood, home was a word that was unbeknownst to me. Moving was not only a common occurrence, but it was expected. My Mother’s substance abuse and mental illness caused a chaotic musical chairs of places to live; always unable to hold down one spot for too long.

When times were at their worst with nowhere left to live, we would always return to my Grandparents’ house. No matter the difficulty, they always made sure we had a place to sleep. This house would be the closest experience to a home that I would get. “Closest to Home” is an ongoing project exploring the atmosphere of my Grandparents’. These photographs document the moments of regularity and seemingly mundane spaces that give me a sense of permanence and connection to the word “Home”.


Griselda Duch

Griselda Duch

Dan Bannino

Dan Bannino

brain tube