Cristina Rizzi Guelfi

Cristina Rizzi Guelfi

Dream House | In the house time slow down, hair on the floor look darker without a linoleum frame. Something scorching haunts the flats.All movement carefully crafted, taking notes of the chairs position, how the curtains let the light in, way too many ornaments on every surface. Housing women coming from nowhere, at the foot of a shitty hill, builded upside-down, little screws stabbed in the joints, wired deep under a fragile skin, right through the nails. Flimsy monsters, dressed in chiffons and ballerinas shoes.Surrounded by the scent of hair dye blended wi' chicken soup, pulled by the hair into a crazy routine, sitting on the green chair of ambiguity ..That golden boring fine line,day after day,same old shit  either with friends or strangers.,walls painted too bright,smell of fear,a call to run away..Houses hide every secrets.

Ira Wagner

Ira Wagner

Vamsi Krishna

Vamsi Krishna

brain tube