Davies Zambotti
WARNINGS: Not-returnable voids can be addictive.Whatever is empty has no finite boundaries. The emptiness loses its primary function to dress a completely new role. The void can become the perfect place to conceal your own anxieties / fears / doubts, it is the perfect place where they can hide, in fact.Pressing the principle trying to compensate that precise vacuum / place / moment with one own entire footprint we are reduced to a loss of material substance resulting in feeling small / minimal fluctuating in a space without time.Dead time. Filled with fictitious alibi.The shoot: sharp / single / unique freeze reality in a lie.
Photographing the Real means to photograph Fiction.The elsewhere of thought, where it is convenient to hide.Sunny, desolate, cold hours pass.The subtle denial is the space between the dark and damp interstices of its own still will.Ineffective scrutineer.Panting.What shall we do with all this void then?Would we give it back?/! www.interstizi.weebly.com