Kalee Appleton

Kalee Appleton

Surrounds | Surrounds, explores the objecthood and history of the photographic backdrop. Backdrops consisting of photographs of idealized landscapes, utopian worlds or romanticized environments act as objects of transportation. Similar to most photography, these backdrops’ purpose is to exist as a false contextual object in the aid of producing a flawless, innocently, cliché portrait. In this series, the object of a photographic backdrop is transformed into something that it was never meant to be, a sculptural subject. By incorporating hints of photographic studio equipment and digital aesthetic fads, I visually exam nostalgia associate with the use of photographic backdrops as well as the contemporary equivalent to the backdrop, digital post production by subtly incorporating humorous digital trends. www.kaleeappleton.com

Andrew Mellor

Andrew Mellor

Marcin Kalinski

Marcin Kalinski

brain tube