Luca Prestia
Deciding to travel charge for camping is still, despite the obvious inconvenience, a unique way to get in touch directly with an incredible variety of uses and habits of unknown people and that, except incidentals, never meet again in our lives. Literally sleeping next to each other, they share the same structures and, for this reason, will disappear any barrier in daily life protects our privacy.
But there is an even more interesting aspect that the use of the campsite leaves emerge and this is true regardless of the countries to be visited: the existence, within it, more or less occupied by large prefabricated buildings, small or large areas that are, in some 'way contradict' the spirit of a place that , in the popular imagination, is by definition the impermanence, the provisional characteristic of a wandering that deliberately choose and that is a substantial part of the journey, of the move.
These structures represent instead a fixed point, the obvious desire to play the same housing conditions that are typical of everyday permanence. Whole families fact decide to spend more or less long periods of the year within the housing structure is usually made of wood or plastic and is usually surrounded by tiny gardens filled with leisure objects. Plants, flower pots, barbecue, swings, satellite dishes, benches are the corollary usual with which you try maybe to build a context as possible equal to what in many cases has left in the city (which often is a few kilometers) in an attempt to realize, concretely, a microcosm whose housing dimension ends up being quite similar to the one used during most of the year.