Maria Mavropoulou — FLOAT
Maria Mavropoulou

Maria Mavropoulou

Inner State | “The crisis consists precisely in the fact that the old is dying and the new cannot be born, in this interregnum a great variety of morbid symptoms appear “(A. Gramsci)

n this stagnant space, in this gap between eras, familiar Greek landscapes look bizarre, cut off the real world, pending for their unknown fate, as a visualization of the inner state of their inhabitants. The horizon is hidden behind thick fog preventing us to see what's yet to come. Empty highways, solar panel fields, constructions left unfinished, rotten watermelons and torn flags seem stuck in an intermediate state, portraying the current situation, like distorted symbols of a bygone era of growth.


Nicholas J.J. Smith

Nicholas J.J. Smith

Nazar Furyk

Nazar Furyk

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brain tube