Landscape on landscape | The series is an observation into the notion of landscape, which is defined variously, within a gamma of changing ideas about " place". In one of its meanings, is the natural space admirable for its artistic-scenographical aspect. We experience it according to our perceptual capability. We see what we know.
I am interested in the idea of nature as a cultural construction and the composition of a new landscape with other readings.
The relationship between photography and the landscape is insufficient, considering that lens can capture neither the experience nor its magnificence. I explore the illusory of a natural landscape image and its chromatic decomposition, transferring what is caught by sight to the codes of another system (RGB).
The series introduces a dialogue between figuration/abstraction where the real and the manipulated overlap.
In the foreground is the monochrome scenery and behind, its digital backstage. These double photographs combine opposing codes that attract each other, as the perception of color through its absence or the flatness of paper through its fold.
The chromatic palettes are revealed through pleating the edges or folding for volume the print with another topography, irrupting the natural geography in parallel. The range of colors that emerge seems artificial at a glance, although they belong to the natural world. They are working as a code bar breaking the surface illusion to draw attention to the artifice and materiality of the photographic representation.