Voice of the Belarusian Village | In the 21st century, globalization processes are moving at an incredibly fast pace. The problem of the extinction of villages worries the government not only of Belarus, but also of other developing countries. The population of the Belarusian village is declining: at the beginning of 1996, more than 3.2 million villagers lived in our country, then in 2016 - about 2.1 million. This problem is in many countries, but these processes in our country exacerbate economic problems in the villages.
Belarusian villages are dying, and every year there are fewer “survivors”. Together with the villages, the cultural code of Belarus is dying out: language, folk customs and crafts. But there are no breaks in culture, and culture is combined with the culture of other countries. The Belarusian nationality is losing its identity. The village is a source of culture and with every deceased resident of the village we become poorer ... And this poverty is the poverty of the soul. www.instagram.com/talashka_ph