All tagged Carolina Echeverri

Carolina Echeverri

Like Purity, Like Gravity | This series is a visual antonym to control. It’s a purity dance between paired images, yet not a “purity” related to immaculacy, but one related to innocence contained in natural attributes, in instinct. It is also a dance that hopes we could be born into this world and allowed not only to exist under these natural and free premises just by birth, but also for a continuous self-evolution that would allow us to be the most true and crude version of our human selves.

For example:
Why can't girls sit with their legs open? Why can't women go jogging at night? Why do I need to evaluate if my cleavage is too low? Why can't my daughter be a catholic priest? Power and authority have tried to domesticate females since the Neolithic. And why are apple trees bent and weaved? Why can't wolves roam free in Jutland? Why is my cucumber so straight? Why is the Dutch landscape almost entirely flat? And why on earth do pugs exist?
Power and authority have also tried to domesticate nature since the Neolithic.
How did we get here? Was Cauvin* right in proposing that it was the birth of religion that led humans to separate themselves from nature, thus domesticating it? Was it survival or was it ego. Or paradoxically, did the Gods need to create chaos and unbalance between us humans, and within the nature we are part of, in order for them to justify their existence?
Can we just sit in our couches and cancel religion? When one removes the natural chaos, the beautiful freedom we were born into, and then creates a fabricated, controlled and manipulated disorder, beings will not be able to realize that they are already in heaven as part of nature, as one with it. No, they will be blinded, self imprisoned, self destructing. Instead, they start to look for happiness externally, believing that through guilt and control you can earn a piece of a far away cloud-filled heaven. With time humans have stopped acknowledging, or even knowing, that heaven exists with our feet in the soil, muddy and raw. Instead, we have fictionalised it in the skies above, always looking up, yet unable to really see the big infernal hole we are slowly yet steadily stepping into.