Fisherman’s Daughter | SOMEWHERE there IS MY BIG FISH.In fishermen it’s like this: it’s better to go fishing alone. Immerse yourself in the process. In silence. Without being distracted by extraneous sounds. Focus and imagine that you are pulling out a big fish.“Somewhere there is your big fish!” - said my dad, since childhood hardening me to go towards my goal.We had a difficult relationship. We are like two fish: trying to say something to each other, but do not understand each other.
Through this project, in silence, I try to focus and understand my dad. I am conducting a fictional dialogue with him. Through his favorite hobby, through places where a person is left alone with himself and the world around him.
In this project, intertwined stories of sensations from different places. The story of the city on the water and life on the island. About the country at the other end of the world, where the salty ocean and fishing camps are. About my house, where I, being a little girl, first saw the morning mist on the water and how my dad fishes. About other places where I will be and there will also be a lot of water. It seems to me, wherever I am, I will always feel this invisible connection with my dad. As if silence would say more than a thousands of words.