One Arm Dove Hunt | One Arm Dove Hunt is an ongoing documentary project about people with Ectodermal Dysplasia, a rare genetic condition that I also have. Over the past two years I have travelled through more than 25 states, met with and photographed individuals with various forms of Ectodermal Dysplasia. The photographs explore areas of intersection, similarities, differences, the ways we view ourselves and the way we think about ourselves in relation to other people. I ask what does it mean to be part of a community defined by a medical condition? How does that impact an individual’s sense of self? The portraits depict a diverse array of individuals from across the United States who happen to have ectodermal dysplasia, and the journey that brought me to them.
Through my travels, landscape becomes a subject. The emphasis on texture in my landscapes references the condition that links myself and my subjects. One Arm Dove Hunt is an exploration of self: how one moves through the world looking different; how one develops because of and in spite of having a rare medical condition; and how important community and connectivity can be to establishing one’s place in the world.