All tagged Ksenia Sidorova

Ksenia Sidorova

Olga | I’m a visual artist and work mainly with photography and video art. I am based in Moscow, Russia.
Why am I doing this, why are others doing this?

As an artist, I am interested in the causes of conscious and unconscious motives of people’s behaviors in a society dominated by social and cultural attitudes and stereotypes. An important theme in my work is the norms and the ambivalent meanings of them. Norms are one of the factors that determine a person’s behavior and existence in society. At the same time, the norm has different meanings: value judgment, coercion, the ideal or average value. In my projects, I study social norms and the consequences of their impacts on people, the society, and the environment.

My projects have featured in some exhibitions and festivals such as Krakow Photomonth ShowOFF, Kassel Dummy Award, Batumi PhotoDays. My work has been published in some magazines and online media including YET, PHmuseum, FK Magazine, FishEye Magazine,, Bird In Flight.