All tagged Marilyn Boatwright

Marilyn Boatwright

they get it honest | In 2019, I began taking photographs of my family when I was visiting them in Florida for the first time. When I returned to my own life in Boston, with the pictures I’d taken and handfuls of images plucked from scrapbooks, I began my current project. They get it honest focuses on my relationship with my family and what it means to return home.

As I worked on this series, I utilized multiple photographic processes like expired film and cyanotype to create a psychological space that addresses the complicated narratives of abuse, neglect, and addiction that I was coping with through therapy and finding myself retraumatized by in new relationships I developed away from home. When taken in as a whole the images make connections between memories, time, and how photography is a meditative practice to build my own personal space and identity.