All tagged Morgan Stephenson

Morgan Stephenson

Nostalgic Shock Vol. 2 | An estate sale confronts us with the reality of what will become of our material existence after death or loss of self-sufficiency. Having spent time pursuing these sales and uncovering their purpose, it has become unnerving to photograph personal and familial spaces. These estate sales are physical representations of denial in the absence of my grandparents and the memories that I have attached with their homes. Maintaining close connections with family members is a belief upheld on a daily basis. Growing up with the privilege of knowing both maternal and paternal grandparents, their presence has strongly influenced the person I am today. After the loss of both my grandfathers, paternal grandmother, and now with the slow decline of my maternal grandmother’s health, the fixation on preserving childhood memories formed within their households is essential in accepting their absence. By photographing family environments, it forces the mourning process through the interaction with objects and revisiting of spaces.