All tagged Tricia Capello

Tricia Capello

The Space Between | WAHE GURU: Wahe Guru ਵਾਿਹਗੁਰੂ : Wahe "wondrous" + gu "darkness" + rū "light" is that which reveals truth and triggers destiny.

This mantra expresses the indescribable experience of going from darkness to light, from ignorance to true understanding. It is the infinite teacher of the soul.

“Something amazing happens, “WAHE GURU”. Something very painful happens, “WAHE GURU”. It takes you into the between, and that’s the realm of blissfulness where you can alter the circumstances of your life in a dharmic fashion. That’s where you access the tantric life force, it is in the between.” -Jai Dev Singh

The space between in essence is the center of all creation, the vesica piscis, the seed from which all is and has been created. This body of work brings together the power and energy of ancient mantra, signs and symbols. It harnesses them into understanding daily contrast by exploring the journey and revelations from the wonders of the dark, the light and into the vitality and stillness of the space between. All images are found moments as they occur in the everyday, with little to zero post-production.