GOOD ENOUGH | Mother good enough. It’s a piece of art trough which I’ am willing to approach the relationship between mother and daughter, it is considered to be important, many-sided, defining, unnegotiable. The starting place of that photographic depiction was my own personal chase and impulsive consideration about the relationship between me and my mother.
Each photograph is an aspect of reality that describer that unique bond.
Winnicott first ever brought in the meaning of “good enough” mother who covers the basic needs of her child, but not all of them, she let’s to be autonomous. She makes it possible to become mature and self. Contained during adulthood. She is neither deficient nor very kind.
Each mother should face the shadows of her own past and complete against them giving real love to her child, she can find the balance between delimitation of her own behavior and the affection that giver to her child.
In that relationship nothing is considered to be given and defined from the beginning. That kind of emotional tie is alive. it is being modified, contextually but mother is always “there”. It’s a cycle of life during which mother turns into daughter and daughter becomes mother. Τwo leading rules in a woman’s life.
That internal pursuit drove me to visit women who attach themselves to that unique relationship, shooting them at their homes, as they are mirrored in my eyes, complicating a dreamy reality balancing between their own reality and my personal imagination.