The New Romantics | It’s been some time now that i’ve wanted to talk about youth, and more specifically moroccan youth. The morocco of tomorrow will depend on the youth of today.
I started my project with a series I called “The New Romantics”. In this series of photographs, I present portraits of young men whom I ask to pose with flowers of their own choosing, and so, in a completely symbolic manner, I try to invoke sensitivity and romanticism where one would think it would not exist.
In realizing these portraits, I came to know a certain youth—a youth that thirsts for freedom and love, with a great sense of humor, a unique sense of style, and solidarity, but also a youth in distress. We are all subject to etiquette, to roles others have chosen for us, determined by our gender/sex, origins, culture or religion.
My idea to present men with flowers was also a way to address the stereotypes that imprison us, as woman or man and in certain societies more than others…I wanted to address this with a lot of levity, in a manner marked by playfulness and naivete.
It was important to me to reveal faces far from the clichés and the stereotypes , to discover a masculine youth that was diverse , not one with a single facet. The softness is there, one just has to look for it .