SELF and FAMILY at c4fap
Daniel Peebles
See the full online exhibition here
When we came about to jury work submitted for the Self and Family show we hoped to find one of photography’s unique characteristics - a testimony of intimacy.
Seemingly in our modern day and age where we swapped our family albums with an instagram feed, and other picture grids that are exposed for all to see, we would have expected to find an abundance of those testimonials in the all time peak popularity of the photographic image. Yet we know that our social media accounts are curated avatars representing the versions of us we would like others to see. Unlike the myriad of images inviting us into a self censored rendition of other people's lives the work we were presented with here as jurors offered a genuine form of visual intimacy, and even more importantly we found a plentitude of human empathy.
“I lend myself to the social game, I pose, I know I am posing, I want you to know that I am posing, but… this… must in no way alter the precious essence of my individuality: what I am, apart from any effigy”
— Roland Barthes
With so many moving images, offering fascinating possible narratives, life stories, family histories, self searching and discoveries, sweet memories and hardships, our task, as we perceived it, was to select a diverse sample of works that communicated this private thing called intimacy to a broad audience without tearing its delicate fabric. We were personally drawn to work that invited us to be an extended part of the family, that made us smile, and ponder about our own selves and families. We’ve selected a wide range of photographic techniques, approaches and expressions. Seemingly theatrical or heart wrenching real, they all fully lend themselves to the viewer.
As photo editors we receive and review thousands of images every month, many of them are good, some are great, yet between conceptual work, street photography, fashion, reportage work etc. few are the ones encapsulating vulnerability. From the fleeting moment to the carefully staged, this show is a great collection of individuals that allowed themselves to be vulnerable in front of the camera and behind it, and for us, the viewers and the jurors, a reminder that voyeurism can actually be therapeutic.
JURORS | Yoav Friedlander and Dana Stirling are the co-founders and editors of Float Photo Magazine.
ARTIST HONORS AND AWARDS: All selected artists’ work is included in the online exhibition complete with artist website links. There will also be projections of the exhibition that will coincide with October 2019 Center events. The Center provides exhibition press releases and social media promotions with an audience of 180,000+ followers internationally.
JURORS’ AWARD | Daniel Peebles
Jo Ann Chaus
Diane Fenster
Glenna Jennings
Alysia Kaplan
Michelle Loukidis
Catherine Panebianco
Notice Of Acceptance | August 30, 2019
Online Exhibition Dates | August 30 – November 2 2019
Projection Dates | October 10, 12, & November 1, 2019
Public + Artists’ Reception | November 1, 2019