What will this project include?
We will produce a printed zine featuring the selected works. The number of artists and images chosen will depend on the submissions, the curation process and any publishing and printing decisions. Additionally, selected images will be showcased in an online exhibition on Float's website. Proper credit, including the artist's name, will be given to all featured images.

Is there a submission fee?
Yes, there is a $5 submission fee to enter our call for entries. The submission fee is $5 for 1-3 images, not $5 per image. This fee enables us to undertake exciting initiatives that showcase and honor your work and photography as a whole. It contributes towards curating, designing, printing and publishing this project, alongside supporting the continuous upkeep of our platform and website.

How many images can I submit?
Up to 3 images.

Can I submit more than 3 photos?
If you wish to submit more than 3 images, you would have to pay an additional submission fee ($5). Only Submissions that are paid for would be considered.

What is the deadline?
The deadline is March 25th midnight EST time. Submission period might be extended if needed.

What should I submit?
Up to 3 images that you think touch on the theme. All types of photography are allowed both digital and analog or alternative process, as long as it’s lens based art - we want to see it.

When will I be notified?
We don't have a set date or deadline for completing the curation process. It evolves alongside the zine's design, which means details may shift during production. We aim to inform artists once selections are definitively finalized, which could take a few weeks after the submission period ends. Your patience is appreciated, and we assure you that we will notify all participants, whether their submissions are chosen or not, about their status.

What if I can’t afford the submission fee?
We are more than happy to help out anyone in need. Please reach out to us and we will do our best to get you the help you need. Email us at floatzine@gmail.com.

How can I submit?
Visit this page right HERE

Can I submit if I live outside the United States?
Yes this call for entry has no limitation on where you are from and where you are based. For international artists, please refer to the shipping costs outlined below.

Shipping (Us and International)
Selected artists will receive one [1] complimentary copy of the publication, with only shipping costs to be covered by the artist.
U.S Shipping: The approximate cost is $4.
International Shipping: charges vary based on location, typically ranging from $20 to $26 USD based on our past experience. We kindly request that you plan ahead for this expense.

If I get selected?
You will be asked to provide high res files of the photos selected and any other info that we might need.

How will I find out if my photo is selected?
We will email everyone who submitted with the results - if you got selected or sadly didn’t get selected we will email you letting you know about it.

Do photographs that I submit have to be my own original work?
YES! Photographs submitted must unequivocally be the original work of the artist who is submitting them.

What are the copy rights?
The artists retain full ownership of their work. By submitting your photos, you grant Float Magazine the right to print, promote, and sell them solely within the context of the magazine and/or this specific zine. Your name and details will be credited alongside your images. Additionally, Float Magazine may use your images for promotional purposes across various platforms, both in print and online. However, you maintain complete rights to your images at all times.

Additional Zine Copies
Once all artists have received their complimentary copies, any remaining zines will be made available for purchase on Float's website. These copies will also be offered at any future book fairs we participate in. Proceeds generated from these sales will be reinvested into sustaining Float magazine and its platform. Cost of zines will be determined based on cost.


Need additional Help? Have a question?
Email us at Floatzine@gmail.com